Thursday, November 8, 2007

Week 13 Finale

The thing I have learned is that Web2.0 is huge. The phenomenon has taken off world wide. It is not just a Western movement but has trancended culture and language. Web use has gone from the static information delivery of the Information Society to the information collaboration of Social Networking Technologies and this trend is gaining momentum. People like to share ideas, and businesses that understand that 'users add value', are changing their websites from sites that deliver information to sites that invite comment, feedback, and interaction.
Obviously, while there are many benefits to both people and business through Web 2.0, there are risks as well. People are always willing to exploit others or engage in socially unacceptable behaviour. However, I do not think this should be enough to deter the Library from engaging in Web2.0 technologies, just as the fact that some people are computer hackers does not deter most of us from using computers.
As for the type of social networking technologies we should be involved in, I think we should begin by making our catalogue as interactive as is practically possible. Blogs for various subject aeas and RSS feeds are obvious technologies for the library to adopt. I am sure if we put our collective minds together, we will come up with other ideas.
For me, this exercise has been a valuable learning experience. I will have to be careful that I don't become addicted to YouTube.


happy feet said...
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happy feet said...

I always have a nice gigle reading your blog. You really hit the nail on the head but in a soft way of saying it. It's funny your frustrations are mine too. If the instructions could be made more clearer and simplier for people like us..BEGINNERS. Blogging would be a fun past time.